Should You Buy a Gas or Electric Car?
Electric vehicles are here to stay. These zero-emission cars can help protect the environment and guard against global warming. Traditional internal combustion engines are still with us and are not likely to go anywhere soon. If you are in the market for a new car, which should you choose?
There is a case to be made for each type of car. Which is the better choice is a personal matter and depends upon several factors including your own needs. Consider the pros and cons of both gas and electric before deciding.
Pros of Gas-Powered Cars
If you’re looking at a make that offers gas and electric cars, such as a new Chevrolet for sale, there are upsides to gas.
Gas-powered cars have a history of more than 100 years and thus have great familiarity with a majority of drivers. They have an excellent range which is great for long trips and it is easy to refuel them. Traditional internal combustion engine cars are generally less expensive than their electric counterparts. Modern engines have plenty of power while still being fuel efficient. They are a good practical choice for those on a budget.
Cons of Gas-Powered Cars
The biggest and perhaps only downside of gas cars is the emissions they produce. This is nothing to take lightly. The development of catalytic converters and more efficient engines has reduced emission levels but they still pose a serious threat to the environment. Eventually, gas engines will be phased out. Buying an electric now can put you ahead of the game.
Pros of Electric Cars
Electric cars are not by any means new and in fact, have been around nearly as long as those fueled by gas. The early models were slower and lacked a usable range.
Modern electric cars now have a range that suits the typical uses of the average driver and can maintain highway speeds. In addition to having zero emissions, they run remarkably quietly. If you are a driver who likes a good exhaust note, there are models that can play the recorded sound of several different gas engines.
Another advantage to electric cars is that under braking and deceleration, the battery can draw power from the engine, prolonging the charge. The reverse operation of the engine also helps to slow the vehicle. Despite this, driving an electric is remarkably similar to being behind the wheel of a gas car.
Cons of Electric Cars
Electric cars also have their downsides. First, they tend to cost significantly more than a gas vehicle. Not every driver can afford one. For people who live in an area without easy access to charging stations, an electric car is not practical. A charging station can be installed in your garage, but that is expensive and if you rent or live in an apartment, you don’t have that option. Recharging an electric vehicle takes much longer than fueling a gas car.
Choose Wisely
Electric vehicles are a part of the future. They are available now and may be the right option for you. Carefully consider how the pros and cons of each type of vehicle line up with your lifestyle and needs before making a choice.