How to Protect Your Legal Rights After a Car Accident
As the victim of a car accident, you have important legal rights. Unfortunately, the other party’s insurance company will likely do whatever they can to try to reduce or eliminate those. One of their main tactics is to offer you a settlement quickly as compensation for your injuries. That might seem great because you won’t have the hassle of suing them.
It’s not a good deal, though, because the amount they offer is typically far less than your case is worth. They know that, but if you take their offer, you’ll be prohibited from suing them for any further compensation in the future. Before you take that offer, just so you can be done with everything, consult with an attorney to make sure your legal rights are protected.
Don’t Sign Anything From the Insurance Company
No matter what the insurance company hands you, don’t sign anything. If you think it’s a good deal and you want to agree to it, take it to an attorney first. Then, you can get the advice you need to make an informed decision. Some insurance company offers are reasonable, but most of them aren’t. Instead of signing it, you can use it to show your attorney a starting number the insurer has suggested. Then, you can work with your lawyer to come up with your own figures and requests.
Choose a Lawyer With Good Reviews and Recommendations
When you choose a recommended lawyer serving Delta, CO, you can feel confident that you’re getting a quality attorney you can trust. Naturally, you want someone you can work with efficiently, but you also like to ensure they have the experience and education you need. An aggressive lawyer who’s used to protecting accident victims from insurance companies is the best choice when it comes to getting you everything you deserve after a car accident. There’s no reason you should settle for less.
Seek Fair and Just Compensation for Your Injuries
Fair and just compensation means receiving a settlement that returns what you’ve lost. That often includes your medical bills and missed wages. Since it’s not possible to restore some things, such as loss of use of a limb or other damage, the courts put a monetary value on that use. You and your attorney will be seeking that value based on your specific injuries and any extenuating circumstances relevant to your situation. Attorneys care about your rights and work hard to protect you and other accident victims so you’re treated fairly by the insurance company when settling the case.